Youngbetty(영미:Youngbeauty) Cho(조)
- Educational Graduate School of Kyounghee Univ.
- Inviting Instructor at MDFLH (MyoungDuk Foreign Language High School )
- SAT Instructor at Mokdong S Academy
Youngbetty(영미:Youngbeauty) Cho(조)
- Educational Graduate School of Kyounghee Univ.
- Inviting Instructor at MDFLH (MyoungDuk Foreign Language High School )
- SAT Instructor at Mokdong S Academy
이명 쌤
장/기/영 소장 (연구 및 캠프Manager)
최/장/혁 대표 (연구/개발/강사교육)
홍수영 원장 (기획/홍보/행정/SW입시설명회)
유명환 샘
[SAT2 Bio] Naram Moon
Tim Chun
[Algebra & Geometry] Youngbetty Cho
[Algebra & Geometry] Jeongsan Lee
[Physics] Jeongsan Lee
[Math] Youngbetty Cho
[Chemistry] Stephen Park